Services and Eligibility

At Guided Paths, our goal is to help individuals with a behavioral or mental disability diagnosis one day achieve and maintain stability and independence in an appropriate environment within their community. We offer a range of behavioral health services to help individuals reach this goal.

Mental Health Skill Building (MHSB)

Mental Health Skill Building (MHSB) is a community and home-based service for adults, ages 18 and older, with a mental health diagnosis. Our goal is to educate these individuals on the resources and services available to them.


MHSB enhances individuals:

  • Independent living skills
  • Money management
  • Organization and Routine
  • Daily Living Activities
  • Service Coordination
  • Linkage to Community Resources


Adults, age 18+, with a mental illness diagnosis that interferes with their ability to function in the home or the community. If your loved one is displaying patterns of emotional or behavioral concerns, please contact us today to find out their eligibility for Guided Paths’ services.


Intensive In Home (IIH)

Intensive In Home (IIH) is Guided Paths’ service offering for youth, ages 5-21. The program is designed to help young individuals with a mental illness flourish in their homes without having to be placed outside the home. As a time-limited service that takes place in a member’s residence, the IIH program offers care coordination with other required services, family counseling, outpatient therapy with an IIH provider or coordinated with another provider, and training to increase appropriate communication skills.


IIH Is designed to:

  • Improve family dynamics
  • Provide modeling
  • Improve interpersonal relations between family members in the home
  • Provide clinical interventions to help improve functioning

Crisis Stabilization

Crisis Stabilization services are available to adults who are experiencing a mental health crisis that requires short-term, intensive interventions. The goal of crisis stabilization services is to prevent hospitalization and to reduce mental health crisis so that the individual does not become at risk to the safety of self or others. This includes safety planning, coping skills training to promote recovery, linkage to mental health professionals for long-term care, coordination with other providers and linkage with community resources to promote stability.

To qualify for Crisis Stabilization services, the individual must meet at least two of the following criteria:

  • Experiencing difficulty in establishing and maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that the individual is at risk for psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness or isolation from social supports
  • Experiencing difficulty in activities of daily living such as maintaining personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate nutrition, or managing finances to such a degree that health or safety is jeopardized
  • Exhibiting such inappropriate behavior that immediate interventions by mental health, social services or the judicial system are or have been necessary
  • Exhibiting difficulty in cognitive ability such that the individual is unable to recognize personal danger or significantly inappropriate behavior